Grade level
4th grade
artifact category
Class Discussion, Formative Assessment
Storyline chapter
Chapter 1
scientific practices

Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering)

Obtaining, communicating, and evaluating information

crosscutting concepts


Cause and Effect

disciplinary core ideas

PS4.A: Wave Properties

PS4.C: Information Technologies and Instrumentation

Artifact Description

After individually drawing initial models, students participated in a whole class discussion to share their current understanding for how sound travels and carries information from place to place. 

Student Thinking

This video sample shows a wide variety of student thinking at the start of the unit. As the discussion develops, most students clarify their thinking on one part or another of the driving question: either (1) how information is transferred and received as communication through sound, or (2) how sound mechanically travels from place to place. 

The first student to respond to the teacher’s question (starting at 0:15) identifies several aspects relevant to the Grade 4 standards, including that sound travels as a wave (through a medium, such as air) and that sound must be received and processed for its information to be meaningful. Other students raise relevant ideas related to how sound travels, including how sound is created through vibration (beginning at 2:30 and again at 3:08). 

The video includes several students sharing ideas related to transferring information and communicating using sounds; in particular, interesting examples of sound serving as a non-linguistic signal are raised at several points, including related to clocks ticking (3:30), banging sounds (4:05), and sirens (5:05). These are helpful, nascent elements for the idea that waves, including sound waves, can transmit patterns in order to transfer information. Building on these ideas over the course of the unit will be one important way to potentially begin making sense of the student contribution (beginning at 2:40) for how phone technologies (whether wired or cellular) transmit sound across large distances.

Artifact Media

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Sample G

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